23 replies on “Fight: Lavezzi Kicks and Punch Marcelo during the Argentina v Brazil Football Match”

  1. very disgusting comment my friend. Europe buys everything,in all oders. they arent a moral authority to say who else is triying to buy something. Argentina is a poor country and doesnt has enough economyc power to negociate with Europe a world championship.Dont fool yourself.

  2. Read this: Really? So why have the europeans clubs decided not to play in South Smerica anymore? What about the saint water episode of 1990 with Branco? We´ve won the world cup 5 times without using these tricks. While the argentinians have won only twice, or should I say once. In 1978 they bought the world cup. Decency is something that these people do not understand. Now who should keep the mouth shut?

  3. lol shut up its best your just a noob who thinks to know everything about football that the episode in 1990 the episode in 1969! lol marcelo dont play dirty pepe dont play dirty other player dont play dirty you fucking noob anwer me that! argentina will win the world cup in 2014 then will see what you gonna do or say and with your 5 cups you can put it up your ass!!!

  4. Really? So why have the europeans clubs decided not to play in South Smerica anymore? What about the saint water episode of 1990 with Branco? We´ve won the world cup 5 times without using these tricks. While the argentinians have won only twice, or should I say once. In 1978 they bought the world cup. Decency is something that these people do not understand. Now who should keep the mouth shut?

  5. Really? So why have the europeans clubs decided not to play in South Smerica anymore? What about the saint water episode of 1990 with Branco? We´ve won the world cup 5 times without using theses tricks. While the argentinians have won only twice, or should I say once. In 1978 they bought the world cup. Decency is something that these people do not understand. Now who should keep the mouth shut?

  6. you are talking about 42 years ago what happened that day is past, but that doesnt mean all players are dirty you idiot! there are a lot of players who play dirtyer then argentina! so kep it shut

  7. Vergüenza de La Plata. Estudiantes – Milan Copa Intercontinental 1969
    Alberto Poletti, Eduardo Manera y Ramón Aguirre Suárez terminaron detenidos en la cárcel de Devoto debido a las agresiones ocurridas en el campo de juego.
    A los mencionados tres jugadores les aplicaron la pena máxima prevista por el Edicto de Reuniones Deportivas: 30 días de prisión.
    Poletti fue el que llevó la peor parte, al ligar una suspensión de por vida.

  8. En la final intercontinental de 1969, Estudiantes de La Plata y el Milan, se produce una de las grandes batallas en una cancha.
    Onganía ordenó la detención de Aguirre Suárez, Alberto Poletti y Eduardo Luján Manera, por 30 días.
    Las sentencias de la AFA fueron una suspensión de por vida a Poletti, se dictó una sentencia de 30 partidos del torneo argentino y cinco años para partidos internacionales para Aguirre Suárez, y de 20 partidos nacionales y tres internacionales para Manera.

  9. En la final intercontinental de 1969, Estudiantes de La Plata y el Milan, se produce una de las grandes batallas en una cancha

    Onganía ordenó la detención de Aguirre Suárez, Alberto Poletti y Eduardo Luján Manera, por 30 días.

    Las sentencias de la AFA fueron una suspensión de por vida a Poletti, se dictó una sentencia de 30 partidos del torneo argentino y cinco años para partidos internacionales para Aguirre Suárez, y de 20 partidos nacionales y tres internacionales para Manera.

  10. You certainly are an argentian. Your English is poor. I bet you´re a fucking stupid teenager who don´t know anything about soccer, and who only wants look tough, but (los hechos son los hechos), and you stubborn tanos are too stupid to admit that you´ve defeated a bunch of Brazilian kids. Your best players have had lots of difficulties to stop our cantera boys. You have two good players only: Messi and Aguero. Your defenders are extremely week, and your goalkeeper is blind.You´re in deep shit.

  11. shut the fuck up you piece of shit the only dirty moron is you if you dont know a shit about it just shut the fuck up and go back play with barbies

  12. Mira que Marcelo nunca lo he visto que se deja de nadie, primera vez que veo a Marcelo no enfrentar a alguien y ese fue Lavezzi

  13. lo llega a agarrar lavezzi a marcelo y lo liquida a piñas… marcelo casi se hace caca cuando lo vio venir.

  14. Argentinians play dirty. When playing with these guys kick first and run. kkkkkkkkk

  15. marcelo this little crafty cunt
    he is a real devil
    if i was on the field i would kill this little bitch!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Well done, Lavezzi!… Marcelo is though only when backed by Madrid and the Mou-gang!

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